[pgpool-hackers: 4435] Re: detach_false_primary could make all nodes go down

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at sraoss.co.jp
Tue Feb 27 09:34:02 JST 2024

>>> One of the ideas is, performing detach_false_primary only on the
>>> watchdog neader node if watchdog is enabled. In the leader node, I
>>> think there's no window between #3 and #4 and detach_false_primary
>>> will skip node 0: pgpool will not regard node 1 as a false primary.
>>> For additional protection, maybe detach_false_primary should only run
>>> if quorum exists.
>> I have implemented this. Now detach_false_primary only detaches false
>> primary only if one of followings is true:
>> - watchdog is not enabled.
>> - watchdog is enabled and quorum exists and leader watchdog node
>>   detected false primary.
>> See attached patch for more details. However, with this patch even if
>> failover_require_consensus is on, detach_false_primary does not
>> require consensus from other watchdog node.  Can we accept this?

I am thinking about some scenarios.

Scenario 1:

Suppose there are 3 pgpool nodes namely pgpool0 (leader), pgpool1,
pgpool2 and two PostgreSQL backends node0 (primary), node1 (standby).

1) pgpool0 detects node1 down. Actually node1 is alive but the network
   between pgpool0 and node1 is down.

2) Since pgpool1 and pgpoo2 do not agree that node1 is in down state,
   node1 becomes quarantine for pgpool0 (assuming
   failover_require_consensus is on).

3) node1 is accidentally promoted.

4) pgpool0 happily skips false primary check against node1 since it is
   in quarantine state.

5) Now pgpool1 and pgpool2 can see two primary PostgreSQL, node0 and

I think this situation is harmless as long as frontend access pgpool
via VIP (attached to pgpool0). Pgpool0 disregards node1 (remember it's
in quarantine state) anyway. If frontend access pgpool1 or pgpool2,
it's not good because the frontend may see outdated data on node1
because it's no longer standby connected to node0.

Scenario 2:

1) pgpool0 detects node0 down. Actually node0 is alive but the network
   between pgpool0 and node0 is down.

2) Since pgpool1 and pgpoo2 do not agree that node0 is in down state,
   node0 becomes quarantine for pgpool0 (assuming
   failover_require_consensus is on).

3) pgpool1 is elected as a new leader.

4) pgpool1 performs detach_false_primary because it's a watchdog
   leader's task.

In summary, I think the scenario #1 is harmless in common setups. the
scenario #2 is harmless.

Best reagards,
Tatsuo Ishii
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/

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