[pgpool-hackers: 4068] Re: Proposal: add validations of wd_lifecheck_password and recovery_password format.

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at sraoss.co.jp
Mon Dec 6 17:24:54 JST 2021


Any progress on this?

> Thank you for your proposal.
>> Hi,
>> wd_lifecheck_password and recovery_password are not allowed to be md5 hashed format
>> but pgppol dont check their password format.
>> I think this proposal will help users to know why pcp_recovery_node fails and authentication
>> failure appears in pgpool log.
>> What do you think?
> I think the proposal is good and should be applied to the all
> supported branches.
> Some suggestions to the patch.
> 1.
> +	if(chceck_password_type_is_not_md5(pool_config->recovery_user, pool_config->recovery_password) == -1)
> You need a space between "if" and "(".
> 2.
> Accoring to the PostgreSQL message guide, problably this:
> +				(errmsg("the password of recovery_user %s is invalid format",
> +						pool_config->recovery_user),
> +				errdetail("recovery_password is not allowed to be md5 hashed format")));
> would be better if descrbed:
> +				(errmsg("invalid password format for recovery_user: %s",
> +						pool_config->recovery_user),
> +				errdetail("md5 hashed password is not allowed here")));
> Best regards,
> --
> Tatsuo Ishii
> SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
> English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php
> Japanese:http://www.sraoss.co.jp
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