[pgpool-general: 8424] Re: pgpool with HammerDB

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at sraoss.co.jp
Fri Sep 23 21:35:13 JST 2022

> I'm having some trouble getting load balancing to run with HammerDB. I have 3 nodes of postgres in streamin replication mode. One primary (RW), two secondary (RO). HammerDB has 5 procedures (with BEGIN-END), two of which I know are read only. The 5 procedures are, new order (defined as neword), payment (defined as payment), delivery (defined as delivery), order status (defined as ostat), and stock level (defined as slev)/ The two that are read only are ostat, and slev. I figured these to procedures should be load balanced, while all others go to the primary node.
> Basically, I'm trying to create the scenario described in the following HammerDB blog. However, rather than configuring HammerDB to understand that I have a primary and two secondaries. I'd rather front the cluster with pgpool, and point HammerDB to pgpool like it's a single RW node (and pgpool handles the rest).
> https://www.hammerdb.com/blog/uncategorized/hammerdb-v4-0-new-features-pt4-connect-pooling-for-clusters/
> This setup runs, but I see 100% of procedures going to the primary (RW) node only. This is even when I set the following configs:
> read_only_function_list = 'slev,ostat'
> statement_level_load_balance = on
> I would have thought, that having the above, would get slev and ostat to go to the secondary nodes.
> What am I misunderstanding about pgpool?
> I'm running:
> pgpoolii version 4.3.3.
> Postgres 14.5
> HammerDB 4.5

I am not familiar with HammerDB but there are number of reasons why
pgpool does not do load balancing.


If you read this and still you are not sure why, please enable
"log_client_messages" and share pgpool log.

Best reagards,
Tatsuo Ishii
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/

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