[pgpool-general: 6615] pgpool status

Lakshmi Raghavendra lakshmiym108 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 19:52:49 JST 2019

HI Pgpool Team,

                 I am using pgpool in my production environment.
Wanted to know if there is any command by which I can fetch the pgpool
Basically from the logs we can see the different phases like LOADING to
INITIATLIZING..finally to master. So is there any command which will tell
me, if pgpool started (became master / or joined the existing cluster

Also any command to tell me the current pgpool master.
I have seen that the "show pool nodes" command tells me the postgres status
of all the nodes in the cluster. Similarly wanting to know the pgpool

Please let me know.

Thanks And Regards,

    Lakshmi Y M
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