[Pgpool-hackers] Follow master patch modified

Gilles Darold gilles.darold at dalibo.com
Sun Feb 27 23:20:18 UTC 2011


Here is the new patch to allow slaves to follow master after a failover.
Following our discussion this feature will only be used in master/slave
and streaming replication mode. I also join a patch to the
documentation. Here is the explanation of the follow master feature:

"After a master failover in master/slave streaming replication, I mean
at failover_command completion, pgpool degenerate all nodes excepted the
new master and starts new child processes to be ready again to accept
connections from clients. After this, pgpool run the command set into
the 'follow_master_command' for each degenerated nodes. Typically the
command should be used to recover the slave from the new master by call
the pcp_recovery_node command for example."


Gilles Darold
http://dalibo.com - http://dalibo.org

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