[Pgpool-general] "idle in transaction" on one backend only?

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Thu May 19 22:22:22 UTC 2011

I have pgpool talking to two PostgreSQL 8.3.14 servers.

One of the server gets all reads and writes (receives more CPU/IO load); 
the second server only gets writes (less load).

On the server which only receives writes, I noticed it has several "idle 
in transaction" processes, being several days old.

As I understand, "idle in transaction" are mostly due to ill-written 
software which doesn't close the transaction now and then.

The question is: why do I only see such long-living "idle in 
transaction" processes on one of the backends?

If at all, I should expect them on both backends, or?

Tomasz Chmielewski

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