[Pgpool-general] authentication problems

Daniel Codina dcodina at laigu.net
Tue Apr 13 07:38:54 UTC 2010

Thanks *Christophe,

*That means I have something missconfigured, or missunderstood.

In my configuration I have enabled the "enable_pool_hba" option, and, in
"pool_hba.conf" I have all the IP in trusted authentication mode (it just
can be trust, reject or PAM).
In my "pg_hba.conf" file, I have those same IPs but, this time, in
"password" authernticacion mode.

That works perfectry in replication, so, connection is perfectrly possible.

In my pcp.conf I have an md5 password configured.

If a node falls and I try:
pcp_recovery_node -d 5 pgpool_host port user password 1

It drops the message I told...
As I understand, the password in the recovery command must be the one MD5ed
in pcp.conf, isn't it? which can be or can't be the same in PostgreSQL
database? or, the password in pcp.conf MUST be the MD5ed PostgreSQL
password? anyway I trayied it, and didn't work,... I'll give it another
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