[Pgpool-general] Inconsistent execution sequence

Qian Xu qian.xu at funkwerk-itk.com
Thu Apr 16 11:53:17 UTC 2009

Am Samstag, den 11.04.2009, 08:51 +0900 schrieb Tatsuo Ishii:
> Yes pgpool-II is deigned to guarantee a consistent execution
> sequence. 

Does pgpool-II always guarantees a consistent execution sequence, or
only when replication_restrict is enabled?

> It sends a query to the first node then wait it's response
> before sending a query to the second node.

What kind of response is this? 
I assume it is a quick acknowledgment, which means:
(1) All statements (SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, etc.) will be queued in a
wait list. 
(2) One request will be sent the first node. 
(3) Once it is received, the first node sends an acknowledgment back to
(4) And then pgpool sends the same request to the second node. 
(5) After both nodes have processed the request, pgpool checks the
results and sends the next request in the queue.

Best regards

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