[Pgpool-general] Reason for "pgpool detected difference of the number of update tuples"

Nico -telmich- Schottelius nico-pgpool at schottelius.org
Thu May 15 14:48:39 UTC 2008

Hello Yoshiyuki,

Yoshiyuki Asaba [Thu, May 15, 2008 at 05:37:28PM +0900]:
> Can you rewrite the query to the following query?
>   BEGIN;
>   LOCK TABLE yaeps_monitor;
>   DELETE FROM yaeps_monitor;

Sure, although the problem is already "solved" in the sense of protocol
change. So I am wondering which advantage this would bring or what you
want to see doing that? 

And which protocol version should we use when rewriting it?


Think about Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).

PGP: BFE4 C736 ABE5 406F 8F42  F7CF B8BE F92A 9885 188C
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