[Pgpool-general] Parallel Query Mode - SELECT, Phppgadmin, Psql

calimlimvl at nationalbookstore.com.ph calimlimvl at nationalbookstore.com.ph
Thu Jul 10 07:45:11 UTC 2008


First of all, thank you for taking the time to reply and excellent tip
regarding my last question about Parallel Query. However, I've got a new

In Parallel Query Mode, as per the Tutorial guidelines, I created the

- Database "test"
- Schema "testschema"
- Table "testtable"
- Fields "id integer", "name varchar(20)"
- Function pgpool_catalog.dist_def_test with same ranges (1..100000 etc)
- Inserted a row in dist_def table with key "id"

I have 3 backend servers 0, 1, 2 and 1 pgpool-II dedicated server. I did
not insert a row in replicate_def because I still don't understand that
part (sorry).

My question is that whenever I issue the command:

postgres at pgpool-server:~$ psql -p 9999 -c "INSERT INTO
testschema.testtable VALUES (100000,'testname')" test

... I checked all the backends and it send the data to node0 ALONE and
when I do a SELECT *, it shows only 1 row.

But when I use Phppgadmin or even run a PHP script (using PDO) on port
9999 of the pgpool-II server to insert data, I checked all the backends
and all of them has the copy of the inserted row. When I do SELECT *, I
get 3 rows of the same data. Another thing about Phppgadmin, when I click
on the BROWSE button on testtable, it just keeps on Loading... meaning, it
stuck forever for some reason and I had to kill all pgpool processes.

tail postgresql log: lots of "LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection"
tail pgpool log:

2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: read_kind_from_backend: read kind
from 2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: pool_process_query: kind from backend: Z
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2008-07-10 15:41:28 DEBUG: pid 6621: pool_connection_pool_timer: set close
time 1215675688

Version: pgpool-II 2.1beta2
OS: Ubuntu 8.04 Server
PostgreSQL: 8.3.1

Please help. I really want this to work. Ive been after this for 3 months

Thank you very much for your help.


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