[Pgpool-general] Pgpool and pgpool-II precisions

"Stéphane A. Schildknecht" stephane.schildknecht at postgresqlfr.org
Fri Feb 8 08:58:21 UTC 2008


I have a few questions regarding pgpool and pgpool-II.

I've read this presentation, but I'm afraid it is too old now to be
relevant enough.


Here are my questions :

Is there a tool that helps managing pgpool (and Slony, eventually). The
customer I work for uses Patrol to manage its IT. Is there a way to plug
pgp and Slony on it ?

How many nodes may I work with when using pgpool-II ?

Are there different politics to reuse connexions
(request/transaction/session) ?

Does pgpool interfere on encodings (both sides)? I wonder which encoding
is taken if a client on an fr_FR.UTF-8 server connects to a Latin1 PG
server through pgpool on a host which environment may be in en_US.UTF-8,
for instance. (Sometimes people don't care about the environment when
installing servers, and when calling for help, it's sometimes too late...)

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

Président de PostgreSQLFr
Tél. 09 53 69 97 12

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