[Pgpool-general] An update for my PGPool Queries

vic vic at digi.com.ph
Thu Mar 2 09:22:34 GMT 2006

Hi again everyone,


As an update to the message I sent last night, and after doing some more
tests today, I realized that what I'm trying to do with PGPool may not be
possible. The following are my new findings about PGPool's operation:


1.	It seems that for PGPool replication to work, all DB update/write
operations must be sent to the Master Node (-s m) only. Otherwise, any DB
updates directly to the Secondary Node will crash PGPool on the Master Node.
Thus, this shortcoming restricts me from doing a Service Level


2.	Even having "replication_stop_on_mismatch=false", I noticed that
PGPool service would not startup if the databases between the two Nodes are
not identical. For example, node2 has an extra database. Thus, I am required
to drop the extra database via the Postgres backend port in order for PGPool
service to load. But PGPool loads without problems if one of the Nodes is
"down". Or simply put, if PGPool has nothing to compare its local database


Are these assessments on PGPool operation correct? And finally, as a basic
requirement of my DB application: I have this question: 


Is there a way for PGPool to work on a system that will require DB updates
not only on the Master Node but also on the Secondary Node?



TIA and Best regards,





From: vic [mailto:vic at digi.com.ph] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:12 PM
To: 'pgpool-general at pgfoundry.org'
Subject: PGPool Queries


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-          I also plan to loadbalance PGPool at a service level using
ldirectord via VIP, is it OK for me to do it?

-          Although I can direct my remote Clients to access one Node only
when performing DB access, but by design, my server application also perform
DB updates locally. Will PGPool be able to satisfy my requirement as my
setup performs DB updates from remote and local (on both nodes) Clients? If
so, how do I do this properly?

-          Are there any plans for PGPool to have something similar to what
PGCluster is doing? I mean above Two-Node clustering? My server Application
is a bit huge already. And I noticed that PGCluster requires a great amount
of resource in order for it to run satisfactorily for long periods. PGPool
however, seem more lighter than PGCluster. It's great if I can make my
requirements work using PGPool.


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