[Pgpool-general] More fun with pgpool errors

Brad Nicholson bnichols at ca.afilias.info
Fri May 20 13:54:28 GMT 2005

Tatsuo Ishii wrote:

>>I've been doing some initial testing of pgpool as well, and I've hit 
>>this condtion.  If the process in the pgpool.pid file dies, the pool 
>>can't be shut down cleanly.
>Can you explain more? We can not stop a process if it has alreday

If the pgpool process that is in the pgpool.pid file dies hard enough, 
the rest of the process will still be alive and answering requests, but 
you can't stop the pool properly, you have to kill the processes.

>>Another related bug I've seen is that if 
>>you run pgpool start while the pool is already running, it deletes the 
>>pgpool.pid file, and all connections through the pool fail.
>Really? I got follwing messages and pgpool.pid wasn't deleted.
>pid file found. is another pgpool(2204) is running?
Yes, I can reproduce this condition everytime (pgpool 2.5.1 - the 
postmaster is okay - I can connect directly).
[prompt]$ ./pgpool start
[prompt]$ psql -l
          List of databases
     Name     |   Owner   | Encoding
 template0    | postgres  | SQL_ASCII
 template1    | postgres  | SQL_ASCII
(2 rows)
[prompt]$ ls  /usr/local/pgpool/logs/
[prompt]$ ./pgpool start
[prompt]$ ls /usr/local/pgpool/logs/
[prompt]$ psql -l
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
[prompt]$ ps ax | grep pgpool
11753 ?        S      0:00 ./pgpool start
11754 ?        S      0:00 ./pgpool start
11755 ?        S      0:00 ./pgpool start
11756 ?        S      0:00 ./pgpool start
11795 pts/3    S      0:00 grep pgpool

Brad Nicholson  416-673-4106    bnichols at ca.afilias.info
Database Administrator, Afilias Canada Corp. 

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