[pgpool-hackers: 4431] detach_false_primary could make all nodes go down

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at sraoss.co.jp
Tue Feb 20 15:43:13 JST 2024

It is reported that detach_false_primary could make all nodes go down.

To reproduce the issue, we need to enable watchdog.
Steps to reproduce.

- There are 3 watchdog nodes pgpool0, pgpool1 and pgpool2.
- There are 2 DB nodes node0 and node1 (initially node 0 is primary).
- follow_primary_command is disabled.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Node 0 goes down at pgpool0 due to a network trouble. BUT actually
   node 0 is alive.

2) Node 0 goes down at pgpool1 due to a network trouble. BUT actually
   node 0 is alive.

3) Failover is triggered. Since pgpool0 and pgpool1 agree, node 0 is
   set to down.  node 1 is promoted.

4) Before new status is synced with pgpool2, pgpool2's sr_check finds
   that there are two primary nodes due to #3. detach_false_primary
   is triggered and node 1 goes down.

5) Now all backends are in down status.

I think until the new node status is not synced with watchdog leader,
sr_check should not trigger detach_false_primary because if node 0 is
down status in pgpool2, sr_chec will ignore node 0 and
detach_false_primary will never be triggered . But I don't know how to
implement it.

Any idea?

Attached is the regression test file to reproduce the issue.

1) create directory under src/test/regression/tests. For example, src/test/regression/081.detach_primary
2) cp test.sh to the directory,
3) run regression test:
   cd src/test/regression
   ./regress.sh 081

Best reagards,
Tatsuo Ishii
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# test script for detach_false_primary.
# It is possible that all DB nodes go down if detach_false_primary is enabled.
# Story:
# There are 3 watchdog nodes pgpool0, pgpool1 and pgpool2.
# There are 2 DB nodes node0 and node1 (initially node 0 is primary).
# follow_primary_command is disabled.
# 1) Node 0 goes down at pgpool0 due to a network trouble. BUT actually
# node 0 is alive.
# 2) Node 0 goes down at pgpool1 due to a network trouble. BUT actually
# node 0 is alive.
# 3) Failover is triggered. Since pgpool0 and pgpool1 agree, node 0 is set to down.
# node 1 is promoted.
# 4) Before new status is synched with pgpool2, pgpool2's sr_check
# finds that there are two primary nodes due to
# #3. detach_false_primary is triggered and node 1 goes down.
# 5) Now all backends are in down status.

# wait for watchdog starting up by looking for "lifecheck started" in
# the pgpool.log.  argument: $log: absolute path to the pgpool.log.
function wait_for_watchdog_startup
    while :
	grep "lifecheck started" $log >/dev/null
	if [ $? = 0 ];then
	sleep 1

source $TESTLIBS
export PGDATABASE=test

rm -fr $TESTDIR
mkdir $TESTDIR

version=`$PSQL --version|awk '{print $3}'`
result=`echo "$version >= 9.6"|bc`
if [ $result = 0 ];then
    echo "PostgreSQL version $version is 9.5 or before. Skipping test."
    exit 0

# create 3 node pgpool with 2 backends.
$WATCHDOG_SETUP -wn 3 -n 2

# enable detach_false_primary and health_check_test
# We need to disable follow_primary_command, othewise node 0 becomes standby.
# Also we set sr_check_period to very short so that detach_false_primary is triggered
# before the new status is synched by watchdog leader.
for i in 0 1 2
    echo "detach_false_primary = on" >> pgpool$i/etc/pgpool.conf
    echo "health_check_test = on" >> pgpool$i/etc/pgpool.conf
    echo "follow_primary_command = ''" >> pgpool$i/etc/pgpool.conf
    echo "sr_check_period = 1"  >> pgpool$i/etc/pgpool.conf

cd pgpool0
source ./bashrc.ports
cd ..


echo -n "waiting for watchdog node 0 starting up... "
wait_for_watchdog_startup $log
echo "done."

$PGPOOL_INSTALL_DIR/bin/pcp_watchdog_info -v -w -h localhost -p $PCP_PORT
$PGPOOL_INSTALL_DIR/bin/pcp_node_info -h localhost -p $PCP_PORT

# Let node 0 down at pgpool0
echo "0	down" > pgpool0/log/backend_down_request
# Let node 0 down at pgpool1
echo "0	down" > pgpool1/log/backend_down_request

# Wait up to 30 seconds before the problem (all nodes go down).
for t in {1..30}
    for i in 0 1 2
	echo "node info after failover at pgppol$i"
	cd pgpool$i
	source ./bashrc.ports
	cd ..
	$PGPOOL_INSTALL_DIR/bin/pcp_node_info -h localhost -p $PCP_PORT
    # check whether all node down.
    n0=`$PGPOOL_INSTALL_DIR/bin/pcp_node_info -h localhost -p $PCP_PORT 0|awk '{print $5}'`
    n1=`$PGPOOL_INSTALL_DIR/bin/pcp_node_info -h localhost -p $PCP_PORT 1|awk '{print $5}'`
    if [ $n0 = "down" -a $n1 = "down" ];then
	echo "all nodes go down."
    sleep 1


exit 0

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