[pgpool-hackers: 4305] Proposal: Option to disable PCP Process logging

Maximilien Cuony maximilien.cuony at arcanite.ch
Tue Apr 11 23:38:24 JST 2023

Dear all,

I created a patch to add a new parameter, log_pcp_processes.

The default is on and can be set to off. Setting the value off will 
disable the logging of PCP Process forks and exit messages when the 
status code is SUCCESS / 0.

The main reason for this proposition is our current deployment is using 
frequent commands to monitor the current state of the cluster, 
generating a lot of log entries. The current logging cannot be set using 
the log level, since we would like to keep warnings and errors, and 
those messages are emitted to the greater 'LOG' level.

Since there is even a FAQ entry and other messages floating around with 
a Google search, this may also be useful to others ^^'

By default, the logging is not changed, this shouldn't be a disruptive 

A patch is attached, but is missing Japanese documentation since this 
was out of my skills :). I would be happy to make any changes required, 
e.g. I'm not sure about the name of the setting.

It should work on 4.4, 4.3 and master branch and probably others.

Thanks a lot for your input and have a nice day,

Maximilien Cuony
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