[pgpool-general: 9083] Pgpool-II SSL on Kubernetes

Md. Mobarak Hossain mobarak at appscode.com
Sat Apr 13 03:06:45 JST 2024

I have some questions. Can anyone please answer? I am running Pgpool on
1. What is best practice when I do not want to maintain pool_passwd?
2. Can we use SSL in both Pgpool and PostgreSQL at the same time?
3. Can we use SSL from Pgpool to PostgreSQL?
4. How does Pgpool authenticate itself to PostgreSQL when we use SSL from
client to Pgpool?
5. Why is there only tls.crt and tls.key in the Pgpool kubernetes setup? It
seems they are the root ca.crt and ca.key? But shouldn't there be ca.crt,
server.crt and server.key?
6. If I create client.crt and client.key using the generated tls.crt and
tls.key by Pgpool and use these client certificates and key to connect to
Pgpool via psql It says -
psql: error: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 9999
failed: ERROR:  CERT authentication failed
DETAIL:  no valid certificate presented
7. Can you give a detailed example on SSL for Pgpool in Kubernetes?

Your valuable response will be appreciated. Thanks.

Md. Mobarak Hossain
Software Engineer,
AppsCode Inc.
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