[pgpool-general: 8840] performing reload of primary config after standby node became unavailable

Andrzej Rozmus Andrzej.Rozmus at asseco.pl
Thu Jun 15 18:24:23 JST 2023

Hello Tatsuo,
Probably title of my post may seem to be strange but I wonder if there is any way to force pgpool to perform any action (for example run a custom script) after detection of failure on standby node? Pgpool works very fine when detecting failures on primary, but sometimes it would be very helpful if it was able also react for standby node unavailability. I set up synchronous replication with two node postgres cluster and as you obviously expect everything goes fine until standby node goes down with any reason - all transaction hang and wait for commit from standby. If pgpool could force primary node in any way to reload its configuration into asynchronous mode postgresql cluster could be still available for dml operations. Do You know if this is possible with current mechanism implemented in pgpool to achieve such effect?
Thank you in advance for your help.

Andrzej Rozmus
Starszy Technolog
Departament Systemów Administracji Rządowej
Dział Ministerstwo Finansów
Asseco Poland S.A.
ul. Branickiego 13
02-972 Warszawa
tel. kom. +48 502 270 059
andrzej.rozmus at asseco.pl<mailto:andrzej.rozmus at asseco.pl>

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