[pgpool-general: 8605] Re: pcp commands not detecting .pcppass file

Ron ronljohnsonjr at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 01:14:54 JST 2023

On 2/15/23 04:05, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
>> PgPool 4.3.3 installed from Postgresql RPMs
>> Here I have a .simple .pcppass file (permissions 0600) with one entry,
>> for user "foo" with password "bar".  I know that correct MD5 hash for
>> "bar" is in /etc/pgpool-II/pcp.conf, because pcp_* commands accept
>> "bar" (without quotes) when prompting me for a password.
>> Why aren't pcp_* programs reading my ~/.pcppass file, even though I
>> seem to have followed the instructions in
>> https://www.pgpool.net/docs/43/en/html/pcp-commands.html?
>> $ dir ~/.pcppass
>> -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 85 2023-02-14 11:26:54 .pcppass
>> $ hostname
>> $ cat ~/.pcppass
>> # hostname:port:username:password
>> localhost:9898:foo:bar
>> FISPTAPPGS405a:9898:foo:bar
>> $ pcp_proc_count -v -U foo
>> Password:
> You need to give -w (lower case w) option to the pcp commands.
> https://www.pgpool.net/docs/44/en/html/pcp-common-options.html

Out of curiosity, why do pcp_* require -w with .pcppass, while Postgresql 
utilities do not require -w with .pgpass?

Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia.

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