[pgpool-general: 7752] if_up_cmd, if_down_cmd, arping_path questions

Nirav Bhatt niravbhatt.cpp at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 01:59:19 JST 2021

I have 2 questions about the above commands:

1 - In the examples given on pgpool website, they are used as follows:

if_up_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr add $_IP_$/24 dev enp0s8 label
if_down_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /sbin/ip addr del $_IP_$/24 dev enp0s8'
arping_cmd = '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/arping -U $_IP_$ -w 1 -I enp0s8'

I can replace enp0s8 with eth0, or anything that I receive from running
an ifconfig command.

My current ifconfig invocation returns me 2 interfaces:
ens5 (my private IP) and lo (loopback

My question is:

Should I use this existing ens5 (or renamed to anything using netplan)
to attach/detach the virtual IP, or should I create an extra network
interface (Reserved to be used in above 3 commands) just for that purpose?
(I fear that if I use existing interface, the virtual IP attachment will
drop the private IP and my node will be addressless in the network, but I
could be wrong)

2 - There is wd_escalation_command and wd_de_escalation_command for AWS,
and they will apply to me as well since my servers are there.

Are they necessary along with if_up_cmd, if_down_cmd, arping_path, or the
wd_escalation_command/wd_de_escalation_command are replacements of
if_up_cmd, if_down_cmd, arping_path?

Thanks for your support in advance!
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