[pgpool-general: 7668] Executing failover on backend when stopping a standby node

shacky shacky83 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 16 21:54:41 JST 2021

I have a PgPool-II cluster running on 3 PostgreSQL 12 nodes (one primary +
two standbies):

bash-4.4$ psql -h -p 5432 -U repmgr -c "show pool_nodes;"
 node_id | hostname  | port | status | lb_weight |  role   | select_cnt |
load_balance_node | replication_delay | replication_state |
e | last_status_change
0 | postgres1 | 5432 | up | 0.333333 | primary | 19853211 | true | 0 | |
  | 2021-08-08 07:30:22
1 | postgres2 | 5432 | up | 0.333333 | standby | 6686 | false | 0 | |
  | 2021-08-11 07:11:46
2 | postgres3 | 5432 | up | 0.333333 | standby | 0 | false | 0 | |
  | 2021-08-09 14:27:26
(3 rows)

Load balancing mode is not enabled:


load_balance_mode = off
                                   # Activate load balancing mode
                                   # (change requires restart)

I stopped a standby to install a system update, but I realised that
PgPool-II started a failover because clients received a PostgreSQL
connection error for a couple of minutes: "failed to create a backend
connection - Executing failover on backend".

This is not what I expect as no queries should be proxied to standbies, and
I expect that if I shutdown a standby node clients should not realise
anything and should not have any issue connecting to PostgreSQL.

Could you help me to understand where I'm wrong, please?

Thank you very much!
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