[pgpool-general: 4141] manual switchover in pgpool 9.3

Shay Cohavi cohavisi at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 17:37:11 JST 2015

I haven't figured it out yet...
I have 2 postgresql (9.3) nodes configured as master/slave (with streaming
I have configured pgpool as master/slave in order to perform failover in
case of primary server goes down! everything is working great!
1. master server goes down.
2. failover script is being performed on the 2nd (slave) node. promote it
into primary!

in order to recover the failed node (former primary):
3. pcp_recovery_node [params] -which  perform the recovery_1st_stage by
performing pg_basebackup and creates recovery.conf file!!

*former primary is back as slave node!!!*

*my question is:*
how can I perform manual switchover between the nodes (master into slave
and slave into master) *without* performing a node recovery to the
"switched off" primary. in other words , I don't want to perform a full
base backup on the former primary node (its a large DB).

I have performed these steps(master/slave switchover) manually (without
pgpool) with no pg_basebackup and its working great...

Thanks in advanced,
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