[pgpool-general: 3563] Re: "unnamed prepared statement does not exist" but I'm using PSQL 9.4?

Jose Baez pepote at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 23:38:36 JST 2015

It is not a multistatement query.

The SQL query that fails is too simple.

here is Pgpool's log with log_statement = on

INSERT query that fails:

pid 7712: connection received: host=80.26.xxx.xxx port=53957
pid 7712: statement: set DateStyle to 'ISO'
pid 7712: statement: set extra_float_digits to 2
pid 7712: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname =
pid 7712: statement: select pg_client_encoding()
pid 7712: statement: select current_schema()
pid 7712: statement: select nspname from pg_namespace n, pg_class c where
c.relnamespace=n.oid and c.oid='"recurso_gw_info"'::regclass
pid 7712: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid,
t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules,
c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd'
then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, c.relhasoids from
(((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid =
c.relnamespace and c.relname = 'recurso_gw_info' and n.nspname = 'public')
inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and a.attnum >
0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on t.oid =
a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and d.adrelid =
a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname, c.relname, attnum
pid 7712: statement: select relhasoids, c.oid from pg_class c, pg_namespace
n where relname = 'recurso_gw_info' and nspname = 'public' and
c.relnamespace = n.oid
pid 7712: statement: select a.attname, a.atttypid from pg_index i,
pg_attribute a where indrelid=27659 and indnatts=1 and indisunique and
indexprs is null and indpred is null and i.indrelid = a.attrelid and
a.attnum=i.indkey[0] and attnotnull and atttypid in (23, 26)
pid 7712: statement: SELECT * , "ctid", "id_gw_info" FROM recurso_gw_info
where ctid = '(0,0)';select "ctid", "id_gw_info" from recurso_gw_info WHERE
nombre_recurso= 'T01' ORDER BY grupo_tetra_numero;
pid 7712: statement: BEGIN
pid 7712: pool_send_and_wait: Error or notice message from backend: : DB
node id: 0 backend pid: 10871 statement: insert into
"public"."recurso_gw_info" ("grupo_tetra_carpeta_nr",
"grupo_tetra_carpeta_nombre", "grupo_tetra_numero", "grupo_tetra_codigo",
"grupo_tetra_nombre", "grupo_tetra_tipo", "grupo_tetra_modo",
"nombre_recurso") values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) returning ctid
message: unnamed prepared statement does not exist
pid 7712: statement: COMMIT

A SELECT query that runs OK:

pid 7714: connection received: host=80.26.xxx.xxx port=53955
pid 7714: statement: set DateStyle to 'ISO'
pid 7714: statement: set extra_float_digits to 2
pid 7714: statement: select oid, typbasetype from pg_type where typname =
pid 7714: statement: select pg_client_encoding()
pid 7714: statement: select current_schema()
pid 7714: statement: select nspname from pg_namespace n, pg_class c where
c.relnamespace=n.oid and c.oid='"recurso_gw_radio_config"'::regclass
pid 7714: statement: select n.nspname, c.relname, a.attname, a.atttypid,
t.typname, a.attnum, a.attlen, a.atttypmod, a.attnotnull, c.relhasrules,
c.relkind, c.oid, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid), case t.typtype when 'd'
then t.typbasetype else 0 end, t.typtypmod, c.relhasoids from
(((pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on n.oid =
c.relnamespace and c.relname = 'recurso_gw_radio_config' and n.nspname =
'public') inner join pg_catalog.pg_attribute a on (not a.attisdropped) and
a.attnum > 0 and a.attrelid = c.oid) inner join pg_catalog.pg_type t on
t.oid = a.atttypid) left outer join pg_attrdef d on a.atthasdef and
d.adrelid = a.attrelid and d.adnum = a.attnum order by n.nspname,
c.relname, attnum
pid 7714: statement: select relhasoids, c.oid from pg_class c, pg_namespace
n where relname = 'recurso_gw_radio_config' and nspname = 'public' and
c.relnamespace = n.oid
pid 7714: statement: select a.attname, a.atttypid from pg_index i,
pg_attribute a where indrelid=29183 and indnatts=1 and indisunique and
indexprs is null and indpred is null and i.indrelid = a.attrelid and
a.attnum=i.indkey[0] and attnotnull and atttypid in (23, 26)
pid 7714: statement: SELECT * , "ctid", "id_recurso_gw_radio_config" FROM
recurso_gw_radio_config where ctid = '(0,0)';select "ctid",
"id_recurso_gw_radio_config" from recurso_gw_radio_config WHERE
id_recurso_gw = 1;
pid 7714: statement: PREPARE
as SELECT * , "ctid", "id_recurso_gw_radio_config" FROM
recurso_gw_radio_config  where ctid in
pid 7714: statement: EXECUTE
pid 7714: statement: EXECUTE
pid 7714: statement: DEALLOCATE "_KEYSET_02D230E8"
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