[pgpool-general: 3532] Re: Find current PGpool master node

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at postgresql.org
Tue Mar 17 09:43:47 JST 2015

> Hello all,
> Is there a command (show or pcp?) to find the current PGpool master node?
> I am using 3.3.1 (about to upgrade) with two PGpool nodes running active /
> active behind an AWS ELB load balancer.
> I am not using a VIP, instead relying on the ELB to see that a PGpool has
> gone down and take it out of the load a balancing group.

You mean watchdog master? You can use pcp_watchdog_info.
pcp_watchdog_info V3.3 -

    pcp_watchdog_info _timeout_ _host_ _port_ _userid_ _passwd_ [_watchdogid_]

Displays the watchdog status of the pgpool-II. _watchdogid_ is the index of other_pgpool_hostname parameter in pgpool.conf.

If this is omitted, display the watchdog status of the pgpool-II specified by _host_:_port_.

Here is an output example:

$ pcp_watchdog_info 10 localhost 9898 postgres hogehoge 0
host1 9999 9000 2
Here is an output example:

The result is in the following order:

    1. hostname
    2. port number for pgpool-II
    3. port number for watchdog
    4. watchdog Status

Status is represented by a digit from [1 to 4].

    1 - watchdog is not started
    2 - Standby: not holding the virtual IP
    3 - Active: holding the virtual IP
    4 - Down

The load balance weight is displayed in normalized format.

Specifying an invalid watchdog ID will result in an error with exit
tatus 12, and BackendError will be displayed.
Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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