[pgpool-general: 3866] Re: cannot drop database

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at postgresql.org
Thu Jul 9 08:42:03 JST 2015

Did not reproduce here.

t-ishii at localhost: createdb -p 11000 test2
t-ishii at localhost: psql -p 11000 test2
Pager usage is off.
psql (9.4.4)
Type "help" for help.

test2=# drop database if exists test2;
ERROR:  cannot drop the currently open database
test2=# \c postgres
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "t-ishii".
postgres=# drop database if exists test2;

When drop database is requested from client, pgpool-II tries to
disconnect all sessions by sending a signal and sleep 5 seconds before
actually dropping the database. Maybe your machine is slow or running
some other heavy jobs?

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

> Hi!
> I have a *single* psql client - no other sessions:
> de2505=#
> I try to drop database de2505:
> de2505=# \c postgres
> You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
> postgres=# drop database if exists de2505;
> ERROR:  database "de2505" is being accessed by other users
> DETAIL:  There is 1 other session using the database.
> again:
> postgres=# \c de2505;
> You are now connected to database "de2505" as user "postgres".
> de2505=# \c postgres
> You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
> postgres=# drop database if exists de2505;
> ERROR:  database "de2505" is being accessed by other users
> DETAIL:  There are 2 other sessions using the database.
> again:
> de2505=# \c postgres
> You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
> postgres=# drop database if exists de2505;
> ERROR:  database "de2505" is being accessed by other users
> DETAIL:  There are 3 other sessions using the database.
> one more time:
> postgres=# \c de2505;
> You are now connected to database "de2505" as user "postgres".
> de2505=# \c postgres
> You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres".
> postgres=# drop database if exists de2505;
> ERROR:  database "de2505" is being accessed by other users
> DETAIL:  There are 4 other sessions using the database.
> For me it looks that pgpool keeps connections to the database, which prevents DROP DATABASE from succeeding. The number of connections increases with each \c from the same client.
> How to ensure DROP DATABASE  succeeds ?
> Thanks!
> JanuszB
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