[pgpool-general: 2734] pgpooladmin start / stop / restart buttons greyed out

Joar Jegleim joar.jegleim at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 17:47:27 JST 2014

Hi list,

I'm building a 2 node postgres streamin replication cluster with
pgpool in front .
I've followed the howto at

I'm using postgres 9.3 and got pgpool 3.3.2 and pgpoolAdmin 3.3.1

the stop/start/reload/remove buttons in the status page are grey'ed
out and can't be used.
How do I enable those ?

And I can't seem to figure out how the 'promote' button is supposed to work ...
At first I reckoned that pressing the promote button would promote
standby -> master, and demote master to standby.

When I press the 'promote' button, the master node disconnects, but
the standby is not promoted to master .
I struggle to figure out where to debug this 'cause I don't see
anything happening in any logs either.

Does anybody have the same problem ? or could somebody walk me through
the process of what's happening when I push the 'promote' button, e.g.
is it the 'failover.sh' script that is called first ?

Joar Jegleim
Homepage: http://cosmicb.no
Linkedin: http://no.linkedin.com/in/joarjegleim
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AKA: CosmicB @Freenode

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