[pgpool-general: 408] pgpool2 status info

Videanu Adrian videanuadrian at yahoo.com
Fri May 4 15:00:36 JST 2012

Hi all, 
i have a pgpool2 3.1.2 and 2 postgresql 9.1 nodes with streaming replication. I Also use pgpooladmin. The failover and recovery scenarious works just fine, but what i have a few questions regarding the slave recovery:
1. Let`s say that i have stopped the slave for some administrative reasons. First i have detached from the cluster and then i had stopped the postgresql process on the slave node. If a start this node after one day i have this kind of messages in my logs : 
FATAL:  timeline 36 of the primary does not match recovery target timeline 34.
Do i have to perform a full base backup upon this node ?

2. if i see this: 
Down Running as standby server 
is pgpooladmin what does this means ? that the postgresql is started on the slave node but it is not attached to the cluster (so no read queries will be send to this node) and if i want to attach it i have to run pcp_attach_node?

3. If i press the disconnect (pgpooladmin) on the master node the slave would not become master unless i kill/stop postgresql process on the master machine. Is this the normal behavior ?

Adrian Videanu

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