[pgpool-general-jp: 294] pgpool-II パラレルモード select と order by でエラー

asano asano @ engm.com
2007年 11月 22日 (木) 17:12:36 JST


pgpool-II パラレルクエリモード使用で select文 を order by句 と組み合わせて 


(例:character varying(100)なら80文字の文字列)


     select * from shop_data where shop_area_number='1' order by r_datetime
desc limit 5 offset 0;

     Query failed: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(100)


    ・あるフィールド(shop_caption1 ※下記参照)に最も多く文字列が入っていたので、

    ・別のフィールド([shop_estimate] character varying(50) )には35文字程度いたが、これもエラーの原因となっていた。

    ・試しに order by句をはずして 「select * from shop_data」 だけを発行すると、このエラーは出なくなった。


OS:      Cent OS 4.4
Apache:    httpd-2.0.52
PHP:       4.4.5
pgpool-II:     1.3
PostgreSQL  8.2.5

(※PostgreSQL 8.1.4、pgpool-II-1.2.1のバージョンで試しても同じエラーが出ました。)

[pgpoolシステムDB テーブル]
insert into pgpool_catalog.dist_def values(
varying(100)','character varying(100)','character varying(100)','character
varying(100)','text','text','text','character varying(50)','character
varying(50)','text','character varying(100)','character
varying(50)','text','character varying(50)','character
without time zone'],

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgpool_catalog.dist_def_shop_data(val ANYELEMENT)
SELECT CASE WHEN $1 > 0 then 1

 shop_data_id       | integer                     | not null
 shop_commu_id        | integer                     | not null default 0
 shop_area_number     | smallint                    | not null default 0
 shop_cooking_number  | smallint                    | not null default 0
 shop_notice          | character varying(50)       | not null
 shop_check           | text                        | not null
 shop_point1          | smallint                    | not null default 0
 shop_point2          | smallint                    | not null default 0
 shop_point3          | smallint                    | not null default 0
 shop_explain1        | text                        | not null
 shop_explain2        | text                        | not null
 shop_caption1        | character varying(100)      | not null
 shop_caption2        | character varying(100)      | not null
 shop_caption3        | character varying(100)      | not null
 shop_caption4        | character varying(100)      | not null
 shop_address         | text                        | not null
 shop_access          | text                        | not null
 shop_map             | text                        | not null
 shop_tel             | character varying(50)       | not null
 shop_fax             | character varying(50)       | not null
 shop_business_hours  | text                        | not null
 shop_regular_holiday | character varying(100)      | not null
 shop_estimate        | character varying(50)       | not null
 shop_seat            | text                        | not null
 shop_maximum         | character varying(50)       | not null
 shop_parking_lot     | character varying(50)       | not null
 shop_card            | text                        | not null
 shop_service         | text                        | not null
 shop_web_site        | text                        | not null
 shop_mail_address    | character varying(100)      | not null
 image_filename1   | text                        | not null
 image_filename2   | text                        | not null
 image_filename3   | text                        | not null
 image_filename4   | text                        | not null
 image_filename5   | text                        | not null
 image_filename6   | text                        | not null
 image_width1      | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_height1     | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_width2      | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_height2     | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_width3      | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_height3     | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_width4      | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_height4     | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_width5      | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_height5     | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_width6      | smallint                    | not null default 0
 image_height6     | smallint                    | not null default 0
 r_datetime        | timestamp without time zone | not null default now()

[PostgreSQL エラーが発生した付近のログ]

2007-11-22 15:15:02 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:15:02 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.615 ms
2007-11-22 15:15:02 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SELECT "*" FROM
"shop_commu_admin_confirm" WHERE  ("r_datetime"<'2007-11-19 15:20:01' )
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST SELECTLOG:  00000: duration: 5.663 ms
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST SELECTLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.520 ms
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.581 ms
2007-11-22 15:20:01 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.759 ms
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.775 ms
2007-11-22 15:49:34 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement: select * from shop_data
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST SELECTLOG:  00000: duration: 71.649 ms
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST SELECTLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.574 ms
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.523 ms
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.562 ms
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.588 ms
2007-11-22 15:51:45 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement: select * from shop_data
WHERE shop_area_number ='1'
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SELECTLOG:  00000: duration: 15.463 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SELECTLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.447 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.449 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement: select * from shop_data
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SELECTLOG:  00000: duration: 6.608 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SELECTLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement: select * from shop_data
WHERE shop_area_number ='1'
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SELECTLOG:  00000: duration: 1.956 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SELECTLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.384 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.461 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.557 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.555 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.660 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST RESETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOG:  00000: statement:  SET SESSION
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST idleLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:811
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOG:  00000: duration: 0.603 ms
2007-11-22 15:53:07 JST SETLOCATION:  exec_simple_query, postgres.c:1009

[pgpool-II エラーが発生した付近のログ]

2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 19
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 19
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
2 length: 19
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 0 th backend: name: TimeZone value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 1 th backend: name: TimeZone value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 2 th backend: name: TimeZone value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 12
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 12
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 12
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_send_auth_ok: send pid 8940 to
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: select_load_balancing_node: selected
backend id is 0
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read kind from frontend Q(51)
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: statement2: SELECT
pool_parallel("select * from shop_data")
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query:  0 th FD_SET: 10
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query:  1 th FD_SET: 11
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query:  2 th FD_SET: 12
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_one_backend: read kind
from 2 th backend T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: dummy from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query:  0 th FD_SET: 10
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query:  1 th FD_SET: 11
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_one_backend: read kind
from 0 th backend T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: dummy kind from
backend: T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: dummy from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query:  1 th FD_SET: 11
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_one_backend: read kind
from 1 th backend T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: dummy kind from
backend: T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_parallel_exec: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX message_code 7
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 704
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read kind from frontend Q(51)
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: statement2: select * from shop_data
where shop_area_number='1' order by r_datetime desc limit 5 offset 0
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: OneNode_do_command: Query:  SELECT *
FROM dblink('host=localhost dbname=shop_db port=9999
user=shop_db_admin','SELECT pool_parallel("select * from shop_data WHERE
shop_area_number =''1''")') AS shop_data(shop_data_id integer,shop_commu_id
integer,shop_area_number smallint,shop_cooking_number smallint,shop_notice
character varying(50),shop_check text,shop_point1 smallint,shop_point2
smallint,shop_point3 smallint,shop_explain1 text,shop_explain2
text,shop_caption1 character varying(100),shop_caption2 character
varying(100),shop_caption3 character varying(100),shop_caption4 character
varying(100),shop_address text,shop_access text,shop_map text,shop_tel
character varying(50),shop_fax character varying(50),shop_business_hours
text,shop_regular_holiday character varying(100),shop_estimate character
varying(50),shop_seat text,shop_maximum character
varying(50),shop_parking_lot character varying(50),shop_card
text,shop_service text,shop_web_site text,shop_mail_address character
varying(100),image_filename1 text,image_filename2 text,image_filename3
text,image_filename4 text,image_filename5 text,image_filename6
text,image_width1 smallint,image_height1 smallint,image_width2
smallint,image_height2 smallint,image_width3 smallint,image_height3
smallint,image_width4 smallint,image_height4 smallint,image_width5
smallint,image_height5 smallint,image_width6 smallint,image_height6
smallint,r_datetime timestamp without time zone) ORDER BY r_datetime  DESC
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read kind from frontend X(58)
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: statement2:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 743
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: waiting for backend 0 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: I am 8761 accept fd 9
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: Protocol Major: 3 Minor: 0 database:
shop_db user: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_send_auth_ok: send pid 8888 to
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: select_load_balancing_node: selected
backend id is 2
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read kind from frontend Q(51)
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: statement2: SELECT
pool_parallel("select * from shop_data WHERE shop_area_number ='1'")
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_query:  0 th FD_SET: 10
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_query:  1 th FD_SET: 11
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_query:  2 th FD_SET: 12
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_one_backend: read kind
from 0 th backend T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_exec: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_exec: dummy from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_one_backend: read kind
from 2 th backend T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_exec: dummy kind from
backend: T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_exec: dummy from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_query:  1 th FD_SET: 11
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_one_backend: read kind
from 1 th backend T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_exec: dummy kind from
backend: T
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_exec: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_parallel_exec: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read kind from frontend X(58)
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: statement2:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 743
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: waiting for backend 0 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: waiting for backend 1 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX message_code 7
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 704
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: num_fds: 13
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read kind from frontend X(58)
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: statement2:  RESET ALL
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 743
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: waiting for backend 0 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: waiting for backend 2 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: statement2:  SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 741
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: waiting for backend 0 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: waiting for backend 1 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: waiting for backend 1 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: waiting for backend 2 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
2 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: 0 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: 1 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: 2 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
2 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: 0 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: 1 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: 2 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8761: pool_connection_pool_timer: set close
time 1195714387
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: waiting for backend 2 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: statement2:  SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 741
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: waiting for backend 0 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: waiting for backend 1 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: waiting for backend 2 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
2 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: 0 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: 1 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: 2 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
2 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: 0 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: 1 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: 2 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8758: pool_connection_pool_timer: set close
time 1195714387
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: waiting for backend 1 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: waiting for backend 2 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: statement2:  SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_rewrite_stmt: XXX rule 741
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: waiting for backend 0 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: waiting for backend 1 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: waiting for backend 2 completing the
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
2 length: 21
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 0 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 1 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 2 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend S NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
2 length: 32
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 0 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 1 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: 2 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: shop_db_admin
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend C NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
0 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
1 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from
2 th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 3
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_process_query: kind from backend:
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_read_message_length: slot: 2
length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2007-11-22 15:53:07 DEBUG: pid 8737: pool_connection_pool_timer: set close
time 1195714387


asano @ engm.com

pgpool-general-jp メーリングリストの案内