[pgpool-general-jp: 205] Re: 大量のINSERTを行うとデッドロックする

maeda @ motion.ne.jp maeda @ motion.ne.jp
2007年 7月 13日 (金) 11:24:57 JST

浅羽 様




<Session1>psql -f 3.sql DBNAME で実行
psql:3.sql:5563: ERROR:  kind mismatch between backends
HINT:  check data consistency between master and secondary
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
psql:3.sql:5563: connection to server was lost

<Session2>psql -f 4.sql DBNAME で実行
psql:4.sql:5299: server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
psql:4.sql:5299: connection to server was lost

<MasterDB postgres.log>
postgres[21933]: [6623-1] LOG:  statement: insert into lock_test values(31324,'D');
postgres[21666]: [46963-1] LOG:  statement: lock lock_test in row exclusive mode;
postgres[21933]: [6624-1] LOG:  statement: commit;
postgres[21933]: [6625-1] LOG:  statement: begin;
postgres[21933]: [6626-1] LOG:  statement: lock lock_test in row exclusive mode;
postgres[21666]: [46964-1] LOG:  statement: LOCK TABLE lock_test IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE
postgres[21933]: [6627-1] LOG:  statement: LOCK TABLE lock_test IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE
postgres[21933]: [6628-1] ERROR:  deadlock detected
postgres[21933]: [6628-2] DETAIL:  Process 21933 waits for ShareRowExclusiveLock on relation 170406893 of database 170405435; blocked by process 21666.
postgres[21933]: [6628-3]      Process 21666 waits for ShareRowExclusiveLock on relation 170406893 of database 170405435; blocked by process 21933.
postgres[21666]: [46965-1] LOG:  statement: insert into lock_test values(21391,'C');
postgres[21933]: [6629-1] LOG:  statement: insert into lock_test values(31325,'D');
postgres[21934]: [1-1] LOG:  connection received: host= port=44453
postgres[21666]: [46966-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[21933]: [6630-1] ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
postgres[21933]: [6631-1] LOG:  could not send data to client: Broken pipe
postgres[21933]: [6632-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28964]: [8-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28963]: [9-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28957]: [16-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28962]: [21-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28961]: [13-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28958]: [27-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28955]: [40-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28921]: [63-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28953]: [29-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28954]: [19-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[21802]: [40005-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28920]: [24-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28938]: [5-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[28952]: [17-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[21934]: [2-1] LOG:  could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
postgres[21934]: [3-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF within message length word

<SecondaryDB postgres.log>
postgres[29343]: [6623-1] LOG:  statement: insert into lock_test values(31324,'D');
postgres[29191]: [46962-1] LOG:  statement: lock lock_test in row exclusive mode;
postgres[29343]: [6624-1] LOG:  statement: commit;
postgres[29343]: [6625-1] LOG:  statement: begin;
postgres[29343]: [6626-1] LOG:  statement: lock lock_test in row exclusive mode;
postgres[29343]: [6627-1] LOG:  statement: LOCK TABLE lock_test IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE
postgres[29191]: [46963-1] LOG:  statement: LOCK TABLE lock_test IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE
postgres[29191]: [46964-1] ERROR:  deadlock detected
postgres[29191]: [46964-2] DETAIL:  Process 29191 waits for ShareRowExclusiveLock on relation 170406893 of database 170405435; blocked by process 29343.
postgres[29191]: [46964-3]     Process 29343 waits for ShareRowExclusiveLock on relation 170406893 of database 170405435; blocked by process 29191.
postgres[29191]: [46965-1] LOG:  statement: insert into lock_test values(21391,'C');
postgres[29191]: [46966-1] ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
postgres[29348]: [1-1] LOG:  connection received: host= port=44454
postgres[29348]: [2-1] LOG:  could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
postgres[29348]: [3-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF within message length word
postgres[29191]: [46967-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[29343]: [6628-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18895]: [7-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18896]: [7-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18894]: [22-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18890]: [16-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18891]: [30-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18888]: [37-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18893]: [11-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[29294]: [40005-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18887]: [21-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18868]: [56-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18886]: [29-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18867]: [24-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18880]: [5-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection
postgres[18885]: [17-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:22:43 +0900 (JST)
Yoshiyuki Asaba <y-asaba @ sraoss.co.jp> wrote:

> 浅羽です。
> From: Yoshiyuki Asaba <y-asaba @ sraoss.co.jp>
> Subject: [pgpool-general-jp: 196] Re: 大量のINSERTを行うとデッドロックする
> Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 14:18:00 +0900 (JST)
> > pgpool では今のところデッドロックエラーについて何も考慮していないため、
> > 
> >   * node-1 ではデッドロックによってトランザクションがアボート
> >   * node-2 ではロックが獲得できた
> > 
> > という不整合が発生しているようです。
> > 
> > そこで、マスタからデッドロックエラー(エラーコード: 40P01)が返ってきた
> > 場合には、他のノードにはトランザクションがエラーになるようなクエリを送
> > るように修正しようかと考えています。
> すべてのブランチに修正を入れました。手元の環境ではフェイルオーバが発生
> しないようになりました。以下のように pgbench を使って確認しました。
> もし可能であれば、五十嵐様や他の方の環境でも発生しないかご確認いただけ
> ると助かります。
>   % cat a.sql
>   begin;
>   lock table t in row exclusive mode;
>   lock table t in share row exclusive mode;
>   insert into t values (1);
>   end;
>   % pgbench -n -C -c 2 -t 10 -f a.sql -p 9999 x
>   Client 1 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  deadlock detected
>   DETAIL:  Process 23834 waits for ShareRowExclusiveLock on relation 149612 of database 149611; blocked by process 23840.
>   Process 23840 waits for ShareRowExclusiveLock on relation 149612 of database 149611; blocked by process 23834.
>   transaction type: Custom query
>   ...
> pgpool をお使いであれば、
>  % cvs -d :pserver:anonymous @ cvs.pgfoundry.org:/cvsroot/pgpool login
>  % cvs -d :pserver:anonymous @ cvs.pgfoundry.org:/cvsroot/pgpool checkout pgpool
> で取得することができます。
> なお、[pgpool-general-jp: 187] の 1. を実装したのちに、今月中にでも
> pgpool 3.3.1 か 3.4 でリリースを検討しています。
> --
> Yoshiyuki Asaba
> y-asaba @ sraoss.co.jp
> _______________________________________________
> pgpool-general-jp mailing list
> pgpool-general-jp @ sraoss.jp
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