[Pgpool-hackers] pgpool-II 2.0

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at sraoss.co.jp
Sat Jun 23 00:35:08 UTC 2007


Pgpool Global Development Group is pleased to announce that we have
started to develop pgpool-II 2.0, which is our first major version up
of pgpool-II. From now on, CVS Head is for current(2.0-devel), and new
branch named V1_STABLE is for pgpool-II 1.x.

So if you want to extract pgpool-II 1.x branch, please do as follows:

  cvs -d :ext:cvs.pgfoundry.org:/cvsroot/pgpool checkout -r V1_STABLE pgpool-II 

As for 2.0, we have a plan to implement followings:

- online recovery

- enhance replication
  - employ "primary copy method" to enhance the performance
  - more stable replication

- enhance parallel query
  - speed up certain complex queries

- others
  - import 8.3 parser
  - allow partitioned/replicated tables co exist

We are open to hear from all of you to enhance pgpool-II. Please let
us know what you think about pgpool-II.
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

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