[Pgpool-general] PGpool not pooling...

Matias Israel Malpica Escobar Matias.Malpica at thyssenkrupp.com
Wed Oct 12 18:00:43 UTC 2011

HI i am testing pgpool with pgbench, i am running the following:

pgbench Matt -U testuser -p 9999 -c 34 -t 10 -C -d
An i am noticing that when the conection goes up to the 32 client it stops working

client 32 executing \setrandom delta -5000 5000
client 32 sending BEGIN;
when i go to ps -aux i can see this in each process

postgres: testuser Matt idle in transaction

i already checked the pgpool.conf file and the maximun child conections option is set to 32 but from what i understand pgpool should put the remaining 2 conecntions in queue right?

connection_cache = true
What am i doing worng???
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