[Pgpool-general] Can pgpool-II retry failed health checks?

Matt Solnit msolnit at soasta.com
Sat Jul 30 05:37:19 UTC 2011

Hi everyone.  I'm using pgpool-II 3.0.4 with PostgreSQL 9.0.2, in streaming replication mode.  We've had
a couple of cases where pgpool-II got a network timeout while performing a health check on the master
node, and then immediately initiated failover and promoted the slave.  This was a problem in our case
because the master was actually fine -- there was just a temporary network "hiccup" that caused a timeout.

Is there any way to configure pgpool-II to retry in this case?  I couldn't find one in the documentation.

I did see the "Unplugged Wire" thead (http://pgfoundry.org/pipermail/pgpool-general/2010-March/002589.html),
which indicates that there was a single retry at one point, which was removed.  But what I am more interested
in is a configurable number of retries, with a configurable delay between retries.

-- Matt

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