[Pgpool-general] function epoch seems to be causing error

Andre Felipe Machado andremachado at techforce.com.br
Mon Aug 16 21:48:31 UTC 2010

I am trying to execute a query containing "epoch" and "date_part" and it seems
that it is causing trouble for pgpool 2.3.3 when inside an insert.
Directly to a backend it goes well (the web app is stable enough)
Attached is the db schema.

Please, what is the best way to isolate the problem?
Andre Felipe

Database error: Invalid SQL: INSERT INTO
values('- at','teste',1003,2,1,'')
pgsql Error: -1 (ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "2010-08-16

File: /var/www/expresso/calendar/inc/class.socalendar_sql.inc.php
Line: 942
Function: socalendar_::save_event / socalendar::add_entry / bocalendar::update /

Session halted.

snippet from the schema:

last_update    | bigint                 | default (date_part('epoch'::text,
('now'::text)::timestamp(3) with time zone) * (1000)::double precision)

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