[Pgpool-general] Setting up connections config for load-balancing

Josh Berkus josh at agliodbs.com
Wed Aug 11 20:45:19 UTC 2010


I have two servers which are being replicated by Slony-I.  I intend to
use pgpool2 to do load-balancing between them.  The client application
will request up to 600 connections, most of which are idle most of the
time, but most of which are fairly long-lived even if they spend hours
idle.  95% of connections are the same user/database.

Given this, how should I configure:


... and more importantly, why?

Also, the instructions on master/slave mode have this bit of information:

DB nodes' information must be set as the replication mode.

... but where or how to set that isn't explained.  Please explain?


                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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