[Pgpool-general] Does log_statement always log statements?

J. Carlos Muro murojc at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 15:53:19 UTC 2009

Is it known that pgpool not always shows statements when activated
I have 3 servers: JBOSS, PGPOOL and PGSQL. In PGSQL a database called
'webcreds' with a table called 'sample'.
In JBOSS I have deployed an application that makes some selects/inserts on
that table.

If I connect with client psql from server JBOSS and execute a select, I can
see that select in pgpool's logs and in postgresql's logs.
But if I start my application in Jboss appserver, I don't see the queries in
pgpool's logs but I do see then in postgresql's. Why??

Here is the log of tests, first from psql:

psql -h pgpool -p 5431 -U wc_jboss webcreds

$ tail -f /var/log/pgpool/pgpool.log | grep statement
Jul 21 19:26:34 vapp1a pgpool: 2009-07-21 19:26:30 DEBUG: pid 28060: key:
Jul 21 19:27:55 vapp1a pgpool: 2009-07-21 19:27:55 LOG:   pid 28101:
statement: select count(*) from webcreds.sample
Jul 21 19:29:55 vapp1a pgpool: 2009-07-21 19:29:55 LOG:   pid 28101:
statement:  DISCARD ALL

$ tail -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.3-main.log
2009-07-21 19:27:26 MSD LOG:  connection received: host=
2009-07-21 19:27:26 MSD LOG:  connection authorized: user=wc_jboss
2009-07-21 19:27:55 MSD LOG:  statement: select count(*) from
2009-07-21 19:29:54 MSD LOG:  statement:  DISCARD ALL

And here is the log of tests, first from the Jboss application:

$ tail -f /usr/local/jboss/server/standard/log/server.log
2009-07-21 19:32:54,029 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) select complete
without errors
2009-07-21 19:32:54,272 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) selected 10
2009-07-21 19:32:54,272 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) ...
2009-07-21 19:32:54,273 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) going to
perform insert query
2009-07-21 19:32:54,318 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) insert complete
without errors
2009-07-21 19:32:54,318 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) inserted record
with id 10050173
2009-07-21 19:32:54,318 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) ...
2009-07-21 19:32:54,318 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) going to
perform delete query
2009-07-21 19:32:54,321 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) delete complete
without errors
2009-07-21 19:32:54,322 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) end check
2009-07-21 19:33:01,058 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) validate
2009-07-21 19:33:01,059 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) start check
2009-07-21 19:33:01,059 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) going to
perform select query
2009-07-21 19:33:01,069 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) select complete
without errors
2009-07-21 19:33:01,069 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) selected 10
2009-07-21 19:33:01,069 INFO  [STDOUT] (ConnectionProcessor) ...

$ tail -f /var/log/pgpool/pgpool.log | grep statement
Jul 21 19:33:17 vapp1a pgpool: 2009-07-21 19:33:13 LOG:   pid 28097:
statement:  DISCARD ALL

2009-07-21 19:32:42 MSD LOG:  connection authorized: user=wc_jboss
2009-07-21 19:32:42 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD LOG:  execute S_1: BEGIN
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: select sampleobje0_.so_pk
as so1_0_, sampleobje0_.anotherField as anotherF2_0_, sampleobje0_.someField
as someField0_ from webcreds.sample sampleobje0_
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: select nextval
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: insert into webcreds.sample
(anotherField, someField, so_pk) values ($1, $2, $3)
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD DETAIL:  parameters: $1 =
'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяАБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ', $2 =
'Кириллица', $3 = '10050173'
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: delete from webcreds.sample
where so_pk=$1
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '10050163'
2009-07-21 19:32:54 MSD LOG:  execute S_2: COMMIT
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD LOG:  execute S_1: BEGIN
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: select sampleobje0_.so_pk
as so1_0_, sampleobje0_.anotherField as anotherF2_0_, sampleobje0_.someField
as someField0_ from webcreds.sample sampleobje0_
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: select nextval
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: insert into webcreds.sample
(anotherField, someField, so_pk) values ($1, $2, $3)
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD DETAIL:  parameters: $1 =
'абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяАБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ', $2 =
'Кириллица', $3 = '10050174'
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD LOG:  execute <unnamed>: delete from webcreds.sample
where so_pk=$1
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = '10050173'
2009-07-21 19:33:01 MSD LOG:  execute S_2: COMMIT
2009-07-21 19:33:13 MSD LOG:  statement:  DISCARD ALL

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