[Pgpool-general] Pgpool-II - replication problems

nir osovsky nosovsky1 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 08:46:11 UTC 2008

Hi Tatsuo,

I was able to download the file, and install it (configure, make & make

I run the command again and here are the log file you asked for:

 psql -p 9999 -c "INSERT INTO branches  VALUES (3,1,' ')"
DEBUG:  InitPostgres
DEBUG:  StartTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 28279195/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
DEBUG:  CommitTransaction
DEBUG:  name: unnamed; blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR,
xid/subid/cid: 28279195/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
connection to server was lost

[2008-11-12 00:35:53.851 PST] :[unknown] LOG:  connection received: host= port=58332
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.851 PST] : DEBUG:  forked new backend, pid=509 socket=8
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] LOG:  connection
authorized: user=postgres database=postgres
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] DEBUG:  postmaster
child[509]: starting with (
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] DEBUG:    postgres
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] DEBUG:    -v196608
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] DEBUG:    -p
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] DEBUG:    postgres
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] DEBUG:  )
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.855 PST] DEBUG:  InitPostgres
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.856 PST] DEBUG:
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.856 PST] DEBUG:  name: unnamed;
blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR, xi
d/subid/cid: 28279195/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.857 PST] DEBUG:
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.857 PST] DEBUG:  name: unnamed;
blockState:       STARTED; state: INPROGR, xi
d/subid/cid: 28279195/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] DEBUG:
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] DEBUG:
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] DEBUG:  name: unnamed;
blockState:       DEFAULT; state: INPROGR, xi
d/subid/cid: 28279196/1/0, nestlvl: 1, children: <>
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] LOG:  statement: BEGIN
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] DEBUG:  ProcessUtility
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] DEBUG:
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] LOG:  duration: 0.383
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.859 PST] LOG:  duration: 0.383
ms  statement: BEGIN
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] LOG:  could not
receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] LOG:  unexpected EOF
on client connection
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] LOG:  disconnection:
session time: 0:00:00.00 user=postgres database
=postgres host= port=58332
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] DEBUG:  exit(0)
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] : DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
[2008-11-12 00:35:53.860 PST] : DEBUG:  server process (PID 509) exited with
exit code 0

2008-11-12 00:35:09 LOG:   pid 438: pgpool successfully started
2008-11-12 00:35:09 DEBUG: pid 472: I am PCP 472
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: I am 471 accept fd 5
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: Protocol Major: 3 Minor: 0 database:
postgres user: postgres
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: new_connection: connecting 0 backend
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: new_connection: connecting 1 backend
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 8
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 8
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 25
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 25
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name: client_encoding
value: UTF8
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name: client_encoding
value: UTF8
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 23
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 23
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name: DateStyle value:
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name: DateStyle value:
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 26
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 26
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name: integer_datetimes
value: off
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name: integer_datetimes
value: off
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 20
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 20
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name: is_superuser value:
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 25
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 25
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name: server_encoding
value: UTF8
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name: server_encoding
value: UTF8
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 25
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 25
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name: server_version
value: 8.1.2
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name: server_version
value: 8.1.2
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 35
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 35
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: postgres
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name:
session_authorization value: postgres
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 36
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 36
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name:
standard_conforming_strings value: off
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name:
standard_conforming_strings value: off
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
0 length: 21
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length2: master slot:
1 length: 21
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 0 th backend: name: TimeZone value:
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: 1 th backend: name: TimeZone value:
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 12
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 12
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_send_auth_ok: send pid 27154 to
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: select_load_balancing_node: selected
backend id is 1
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from 0
th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: read_kind_from_backend: read kind from 1
th backend Z NUM_BACKENDS: 2
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_process_query: kind from backend: Z
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length: slot: 0
length: 5
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: pool_read_message_length: slot: 1
length: 5
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: ReadyForQuery: message length: 5
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: ReadyForQuery: transaction state: I
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: read kind from frontend Q(51)
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: statement2: INSERT INTO branches  VALUES
(3,1,' ')
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: do_command: Query: BEGIN
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: command tag: SDEBUG
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: command tag: SDEBUG
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: command tag: SDEBUG
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: command tag: SLOG
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: command tag: SDEBUG
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: command tag: SDEBUG
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 471: command tag: BEGIN
2008-11-12 00:35:53 ERROR: pid 471: do_command: backend returns N while
expecting ReadyForQuery
2008-11-12 00:35:53 LOG:   pid 471: do_child: exits with status 1 due to
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 438: reap_handler called
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 438: reap_handler: call wait3
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 438: child 471 exits with status 256 by
signal 0
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 510: I am 510
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 438: fork a new child pid 510
2008-11-12 00:35:53 DEBUG: pid 438: reap_handler: normally exited

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Tatsuo Ishii <ishii at sraoss.co.jp> wrote:

> Ok, I have put CVS head source tar ball at:
> http://www.sra.co.jp/people/t-ishii/tmp/pgpool-II.tar.gz
> Please grab and try.
> --
> Tatsuo Ishii
> SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
> > Hi Tatsuo,
> >
> > I urgently need your help.  I appreciate any help you can give.
> >
> > While trying to follow the instruction at
> > http://pgfoundry.org/scm/?group_id=1000055 I'm getting the following
> errors:
> > 1. cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at cvs.pgfoundry.org:/cvsroot/pgpool login
> > Logging in to :pserver:anonymous at cvs.pgfoundry.org:2401/cvsroot/pgpool
> > CVS password:
> > cvs [login aborted]: connect to [cvs.pgfoundry.org]:2401 failed:
> Connection
> > timed out
> >
> > 2. cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at cvs.pgfoundry.org:/cvsroot/pgpool checkout
> > pgpool/pgpool-II/
> > cvs [checkout aborted]: connect to [cvs.pgfoundry.org]:2401 failed:
> > Connection timed out
> >
> > Please help me.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nir
> >
> >
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