[Pgpool-general] Partition pruning

Scara Maccai m_lists at yahoo.it
Thu Feb 28 15:00:18 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I just installed and tried pgpool. I'm interested in using pgpool to access different databases with different data (partitioning).

I set up 2 databases that have different data (suppose one db has data with an id from 1 to 10, the other from 10 to infinite).

Everything seems to work, but I thought that in case I made a query like


pgpool would issue that query ONLY to the db having IDs from 1 to 10. But the query is issued to both DBs.
In other words I thought pgpool could do partition pruning (eliminating databases that don't partecipate in the results).

Was I wrong? Or I didn't set up pgpool properly?

Thank you in advance.


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