[Pgpool-general] Trying to switch from PgPool1 to PgPool2

Henry henry at zen.co.za
Mon Aug 4 04:11:32 UTC 2008

Hello all,

I've been using PgPoolI with success for some time now, but noticed that
development on it is (understandably) waning, so I've decided to give
PgPoolII a try.

I can't seem to get a basic setup to work as expected, though.

My test setup:
1 master, multiple slaves.
Skytools for replication.
Slaves:  PG listening on 5431, pgpoolII listening on 5432
Master:  Pg listening on 5432

SELECTs must *only* occur on the localhost (ie, on slave).
INSERTS/UPDATES/DELETES must go to the master.

Config on slaves:
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
replication_mode = false
load_balance_mode = true
replicate_select = false
master_slave_mode = true
connection_cache = true
pgpool2_hostname = 'slave1'    # what is this?  slave||master hostname?
backend_hostname0 = 'master'
backend_port0 = 5432
backend_weight0 = 0
backend_data_directory0 = '/data'
backend_hostname1 = 'slave1'
backend_port1 = 5431
backend_weight1 = 1
backend_data_directory1 = '/data'

SELECT statements keep going to the master and not slave1.  INSERT
statments are not going to the master, and instead are being executed on

I must be misunderstanding something basic here.  My setup is similar to
Michael SALOMON's ([Pgpool-general] Problem with load balancing +
automatic failover), without failover.

Any comments or suggestions are welcome.


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