[Pgpool-general] pgpool-II 2.0 beta1 released

Yoshiyuki Asaba y-asaba at sraoss.co.jp
Thu Nov 1 09:31:03 UTC 2007

November 1, 2007

pgpool Global Development Group are pleased to announce the release of
pgpool-II 2.0 beta1, a new version of open source middle ware to
enhance the reliability and performance of PostgreSQL.

* pgpool-II 2.0 beta1

* pgpoolAdmin 2.0 beta1

pgpool-II 2.0 has lots of new features and bug fixes. Users are
encouraged to test the beta version before the final release to find
bugs and any other problems. If you find anything wrong with it,
please let us know via the mailing lists.

2.0 (hikitsuboshi) 2007/11/xx
      * Version 2.0

      * Incompatibility since pgpool-II 1.x
        - the default value for ignore_leading_white_space is now
 	- replicate_strict is removed. The value is always

      * General
        - Allow to reload pgpool.conf(Yoshiyuki)
        - The paraser is now compatible with PostgreSQL 8.3(Yoshiyuki)
        - Add new directive "failover_command" to specify command when
          a node is detached(Yoshiyuki)
        - Add new directive "client_idle_limit" to specify the time out since
          the last command is arrived from a client(Tatsuo)
      * Replication
        - Always start a new transaction even if the query is not in
          an explicit transaction to enhance the reliabilty of
        - Enhance the performance of replication for write
          queries. Now the worst case is 1/2 compared with single DB
          node regardless the number of DB nodes. Previous release
          tends to degrade according to the numer of DB
        - Add "online recovery" which allows to add a DB node and sync
          with other DB nodes without stopping the pgpool
        - Abort a transaction if INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE reports
          different number of result rows(Yoshiyuki)

          x=# update t set a = a + 1;
          ERROR:  pgpool detected difference of the number of update tuples
          HINT:  check data consistency between master and other db node

        - If the results from DB nodes do not match, select the
          possible correct result by "decide by majority". Previous
          release always trust the result of the master DB
        - Allow load balance in V2 frontend/backend protocol(Yoshiyuki)

      * Parallel query
        - Allow "partial replication" to enhance the performance of
          the parallel query(Yoshiharu)

Yoshiyuki Asaba
y-asaba at sraoss.co.jp

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