[Pgpool-general] Replication Flawed?

Robert Ayres rednetnoc_suoires at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 11 10:18:44 UTC 2006


I have been evaluating PgPool as part of a study of the available open-source HA solutions but believe I have come across a fundamental flaw in its replication features.

As part of the evaluation I conducted a test of PgPool on my local machine as follows:

PgPool listening on port 9999
*Master - PostgreSQL (instance 1) listening on port 5432
*Secondary - PostgreSQL (instance 2) listening on port 5433

With the replication features enabled as follows (pgpool.conf):

 replication_mode = true
 replication_strict = true 
 replication_stop_on_mismatch = true
 replication_timeout = 5000

Now PgPool provides a two machine replication facility by executing a given query on both machines.  For replication to work under this manner, then all queries (from all connections) on machine1 must be executed in the same order on machine2.  I do not believe PgPool ensures this synchronisation, I shall demonstrate with a simple example:

Extract of 'test1.sql':

 insert into test values (10, 'test1');
 insert into test values (11, 'test1');
 insert into test values (12, 'test1');
 insert into test values (13, 'test1');
 insert into test values (10009, 'test1');

Extract of 'test2.sql':

 delete from test;
 delete from test;
 delete from test;
 delete from test;
 ...10,000 times!

When I run test1.sql through one PgPool connection (port 9999 as above) and test2.sql through another PgPool connection, after both tests have completed there is a clear difference between Master and Secondary nodes on the data integrity (and order) e.g. rows in table test - Master != rows in table test on Secondary.  PgPool itself acknowledges this difference if you run the same test but substituting test2.sql with 'test3.sql':

 select * from test;
 select * from test;
 select * from test;
 select * from test;

 where if replication_stop_on_mismatch is set to true, PgPool will fail (very quickly) with:

 'pool_process_query: kind does not match between backends master(D) secondary(C)'

Unless my tests are fundamentally flawed, this lack of data integrity makes the replication facilities unuseable.  It is possible I could ensure any application running atop of the DB synch'ed its connections to the DB but this would impose a serious performance penalty on the application (besides which replication should be transparent to the application anyway).

Please advise

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