[Pgpool-general] one has no free connection, but another has an idle one

Tatsuo Ishii t-ishii at sra.co.jp
Tue Feb 22 00:23:38 GMT 2005

> I have installed php and postgres at the moment and there is the following problem:
> Let's say we have max_connections 100 and two users; one has 50 used connections (pg_pconnect) and want to get a new one. The other user has 50 connections and some of these are idle. PHP will send an error message "no new connection possible".
> Is it possible that pg_pool takes one idle connection from one user and give a new one to the other?

I suggest you do not use pg_pconnect since it kills the benefit of
pgpool's connection pooling functionarity. With pg_connect the
connection from pg_connect to pgpool will be released as soon as
pg_close gets called and subsequent call to pg_connect can establish
new connection to pgpool.
Tatsuo Ishii

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