[pgpool-general: 8950] Re: pgpool 4.4.4: reading status file: 1 th backend is set to down status

Tatsuo Ishii ishii at sraoss.co.jp
Tue Oct 17 18:26:33 JST 2023

> Hi Tatsuo,
> thank you so much for the detailed explanation. That makes all sense to me - one detail in the combination of acting software is not matching from my point of view: Why is pgpool trying to prevent a split brain scenario? I'll explain my thoughts and maybe you can point out at which point pgpool is misconfigured or the misunderstanding.
> As I mentioned, I'm using containers packed by Bitnami, which are using pgpool as a proxy for the clients to find always primary instance<https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/pgpool> and repmgr and pg to provide a HA solution for Postgres<https://hub.docker.com/r/bitnami/postgresql-repmgr>.
> What is Pgpool-II?
> Pgpool-II is the PostgreSQL proxy. It stands between PostgreSQL servers and their clients providing connection pooling, load balancing, automated failover, and replication.
> What is PostgreSQL HA?
> This PostgreSQL cluster solution includes the PostgreSQL replication manager, an open-source tool for managing replication and failover on PostgreSQL clusters.
> As far as I understand, Bitnami designed it like this, that Postgres in combination with repmgr<https://www.repmgr.org/> should do all the High Availability work. Pgpool should "just" forward connections from the clients to the primary instance of postgres.

Pgpool-II has evolved as a cluster software. Proxy is just a one of
features of Pgpool-II.

> In the error case I'm describing here, just pgpool has a problem with the situation. The cluster itself is working. The connection to every pg and pgpool is working. It is just that one pgpool remains unhealthy because it can't determine a primary because it has marked the server, which is indeed primary, as down.

Anybody could combine Pgpoool-II with other software but then it's
his/her responsibility to understand the functionality/interface of
Pgpool-II and make the whole system work, not Pgpool-II's
resposibility.  To be honest, I don't understand why you need repmgr
in the first place because Pgpool-II has already the HA feature too.

>>From my point of view (and I'm just the user in the middle of the software giants postgres, repmgr, pgpool and Bitnami), I think there is a gap in configuration of pgpool to just act as proxy. Nothing to do during failover nor nothing extra. Therefore I decided to start with my investigation here at the pgpool mailing list. As far as I understand it, if pgpool would ignore/disable the pgpool_status file, my scenario would be fine. Maybe there is another configuration which does exactly what Bitnami expected from pgpool to do. I think you are the very right person who could know this. Therefore the question: What do I need to configure that pgpool is just acting as a proxy (which was the intention of Bitnami)? OR How can I disable the pgpool_status file (I already was thinking to delete it in the entry point of the container)?

You can ignore the pgpool_status file by starting Pgpool-II with -D
option. See the manual for more details. Note, however, In this case,
the split brain problem should be prevented by other software.

> Thank you so much, I appreciate your expertise,

You are welcome!

> best regards, Daniel
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> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Tatsuo Ishii <ishii at sraoss.co.jp>
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2023 02:49
> An: Camarena Daniel <Daniel.Camarena at azo.com>
> Cc: pgpool-general at pgpool.net
> Betreff: Re: AW: [pgpool-general: 8942] pgpool 4.4.4: reading status file: 1 th backend is set to down status
> [Sie erhalten nicht h?ufig E-Mails von ishii at sraoss.co.jp<mailto:ishii at sraoss.co.jp>. Weitere Informationen, warum dies wichtig ist, finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ]
>> Hi Tatsuo,
>> thanks for your reply and the explication.
>> To comment your answers:
>>>   >   1.  Is there a file which buffers pg states?
>>>   If you mean "pg_status" column in show pool_nodes command, no. It is obtained from PostgreSQL on the fly when show pool_nodes command gets executed.
>> Yes. But it seems that out of pg_status is formed a resulting state which is in the column status of show pool_nodes (see results below) and this indicates that the service is down - and pgpool is acting like this. See below the log of pgpool: It indicates, that is marking 0 th node as down because of the "status file".
> I think you are talking about "status" column, rather than "pg_status"
> column in show pool_nodes command. The "status" column is set to down by pgpool. The "status" is set according to the content of pgpool_status file upon starting up of pgpool. If it's set to "down", it is not set to "up" until pcp_attach_node or pcp_recovery_node is executeds. The reason is explained below.
>>>   >   2.  How did the system get into this state?
>>>   I am not familiar with bitnami pgpool nor repmgr. So what I can do
>>> is answer from the point of pgpool view. It was caused by either
>>> failover triggered by health check (pgpool detects error / shutdown
>>> of PostgreSQL), or pcp_detach_node gets executed. I cannot tell
>>> either unless looking into pgpool log and pgpool.conf
>> Pg0 had tons of these messages:
>> 2023-10-11 11:19:03.522 GMT [956538] FATAL:  remaining connection
>> slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
>> 2023-10-11 11:19:03.525 GMT [956537] FATAL:  remaining connection
>> slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
>> 2023-10-11 11:19:03.542 GMT [956539] FATAL:  remaining connection
>> slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
>> 2023-10-11 11:19:03.545 GMT [956540] FATAL:  remaining connection
>> slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
>> Pg1 has right now, as I was examining the system the same messages. Sometimes they appear and it seems that because of the a failover occurs - like you described before.
>> Should I just increase max_connections, default 100, to 200 to prevent the problem?
> Yes, I think so. The above FATAL error could cause the health_check to trigger failover depending on the setting of pgpool.conf.
>> In the meanwhile I have found a file in the logs folder of pgpool. It has the following content:
>>       root at c8bdc87693d4:/opt/bitnami/pgpool/logs# cat pgpool_status
>>       down
>>       up
>>       up
>> As pgpool has a line during startup
>>       2023-10-16 05:28:21.670: main pid 1: LOG:  reading status file:
>> 0 th backend is set to down status
>> I thought this file is read and the status of pg0 is overridden by this.
> Yes, your guess is correct. This is necessary to prevent "split brain"
> problem. Suppose you have PostgreSQL node 0 (primary) and node 1 (standby).
> 1) node 0 goes down by admin.
> 2) node 1 becomes new primary node.
> 3) whole system (pgpool, node 0 and node 1) restarts.
> 4) node 0 starts as primary, node 1 starts as primary.
> 5) now you have two primary nodes, this is the split brain.
> The pgpool_status file prevents this situation. In #3, pgpool sets the node 0 status to down by reading pgpool_status file. Therefore it prevents the situation #5.
>> show pool_nodes; returns the following:
>>       node_id | hostname  | port | status | pg_status | lb_weight |  role   | pg_role | select_cnt | load_balance_node | replication_delay | replication_state | replication_sync_state | last_status_change
>> ---------+-----------+------+--------+-----------+-----------+--------
>> -+---------+------------+-------------------+-------------------+-----
>> --------------+------------------------+---------------------
>>       0       | | 5432 | down   | up        | 0.333333  | standby | primary | 0          | false             | 0                 |                   |                        | 2023-10-16 05:29:17
>>       1       | | 5432 | up     | up        | 0.333333  | standby | standby | 5          | false             | 0                 |                   |                        | 2023-10-16 05:29:17
>>       2       | | 5432 | up     | up        | 0.333333  | standby | standby | 11         | true              | 0                 |                   |                        | 2023-10-16 05:29:17
>>       (3 rows)
>> Indicates, that pg_role of pg0 is primary but the resulting role is standby, as resulting status is down, even if pg_status is up.
> That's an exepcted behavior. Since pgpool recognizes node 0 as "down"
> by reading pgpool_status file, it does not check node 0 to see whether node 0 is primary or not. Pgpool only checks node 1 and node 2, and concluded that there's no primary.
> I think you can use pcp_attach_node on node 0.
>> As orchestration always starts pgpool new, I post the startup sequence of the container:
> [snip]
>> 2023-10-16 05:28:21.757: main pid 1: LOG:
>> find_primary_node_repeatedly: waiting for finding a primary node
>> 2023-10-16 05:28:21.793: main pid 1: LOG:  find_primary_node: standby
>> node is 1
>> 2023-10-16 05:28:21.793: main pid 1: LOG:  find_primary_node: standby
>> node is 2
> Here, pgpool was looked for primary node only against node 1 and 2 by the reason above.
>> Last but not least pgpool.conf you requested. I left the comments in the file:
> Thanks. I noticed that "failover_command = 'echo...". This means when primary godes down, pgpool does not elect new primary. I am not sure if this is correct idea.  Maybe the orchestration tool does something which is out of scope of pgpool?
> Best reagards,
> --
> Tatsuo Ishii
> English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/<http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/>
> Japanese:http://www.sraoss.co.jp/

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