[pgpool-general: 7583] pool_backend_status

Wolf Schwurack wolf at uen.org
Wed May 26 01:11:34 JST 2021

I have 3 pgpool/postgresql nodes, When I run the command: show pool_backend_status or show pool_nodes, its only showing 2 out of the 3 nodes.
Shouldn’t I be seeing all 3 nodes?

OS = Ubuntu 20.0.1
PostgreSQL = 12.6
PgPool = 4.2.2

postgres=# show pool_backend_stats;

 node_id | hostname  | port | status |  role   | select_cnt | insert_cnt | update_cnt | delete_cnt | ddl_cnt | other_cnt | panic_cnt | fatal_cnt | error_cnt


 0       | pgtest-01 | 5432 | up     | primary | 14         | 0          | 0          | 0          | 0       | 14        | 0         | 0         | 0

 1       | pgtest-03 | 5433 | down   | standby | 0          | 0          | 0          | 0          | 0       | 0         | 0         | 0         | 0

(2 rows)


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