Bug Reports
How to report issue
- Please click "Signup for a new account" and sign up, if you don't have your account.
- Please log in.
- Please click "Report Issue", and report.
- Make sure to provide detailed information: OS version, pgpool-II version (use "product version" menu), what mode you use (replication, streaming replication etc. attach pgpool.conf if possible, PostgreSQL version, what kind of application language. Incomplete bug report may not be assigned to anyone or answered.
- If possible, please report how to reproduce the problem. This will a lot increase the chance to fix the problem.
- Please do not submit feature requests/proposals to the bug track. They should be posted to pgpool-hackers mailing list.
- Please do not submit issues to pgpool-HA not related to pgpool-HA. Some people confuses watchdog or failover issues are related to pgpool-HA but in reality pgpool-HA is a forum dedicated to pgpool-HA product.