pgpool-II Tutrial [ On Memory Query Cache ]

About this document

In this Tutrial, I explain a simple way to try "On memory query cache" with shared memory.

What you need is a Linux box in which PostgreSQL and pgpool-II are installed. You can use on memory query cache with pgpool in any mode: replication mode, master/slave mode and raw mode.

On memory query cache

Configuring pgpool.conf

Basic parameters

Set "memory_cache_enabled" on to enable the functionality of on memory query cache.

# If on, use the memory cache functionality, off by default
memory_cache_enabled = on

Pgpool creates "OID map" files which indicates that each cache are for which database and table. Specify the directory for it as you like.

# Temporary work directory to record table oids
memqcache_oiddir = '/var/log/pgpool/oiddir'

About shared mamory

The parameter "memqcache_method" is the choice of the cache storage, and it defaults to "shmem".

# Cache storage method. either 'shmem'(shared memory) or 'memcached'. 'shmem' by default
memqcache_method = 'shmem'

About log

The parameter "log_per_node_statement" helps you to know in which backend node a query is executed. Set this parameter on.

log_per_node_statement = on
                                   # Log all statements
                                   # with node and backend informations

Starting pgpool

Start pgpool-II with "-n" (which means not-daemon mode) and redirect log messages into pgpool.log.

$ {installed_dir}/bin/pgpool -n -f {installed_dir}/etc/pgpool.conf > pgpool.log 2>&1

Create a database and a table.

$ createdb -p 9999 test

$ psql -p 9999 test
test=> CREATE TABLE table_cache_ok (a INT);

test=> INSERT INTO table_cache_ok VALUES (1), (2), (3);

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok ORDER BY a;
(3 rows)

Trying out query cache

Execute a SELECT.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
(1 row)

The output of log_per_node_statement shows that the SELECT is executed exactly.

LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

Execute the same SELECT.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
(1 row)

This time the log message shows that the result of SELECT is from caches.

LOG:   query result fetched from cache. statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

More fun with query cache

Auto invalidation

When a table is updated

When a table is updated, the cached results of SELECT from the table can be outdated. Pgpool discards all the cache of that table automatically by default.


Specify the action by "memqcache_auto_cache_invalidation". It's set "on" by default.

# If on, invalidation of query cache is triggered by corresponding
# DDL/DML/DCL(and memqcache_expire).  If off, it is only triggered
# by memqcache_expire.  on by default.
memqcache_auto_cache_invalidation = on

Reload pgpool after changing the parameter's value.

$ {installed_dir}/bin/pgpool reload

Trying the cache invalidation

Confirm that you can get the result of a SELECT from cache.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   query result fetched from cache. statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

Execute INSERT INTO the table.

test=> INSERT INTO table_cache_ok VALUES (5);

Execute the same SELECT, and the SELECT is executed exactly.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

Cache expiration

Pgpool discards caches older than the specified expiration period.


Specify the expiration period by "memqcache_expire". Default is 0 seconds, but set 5 seconds to confirm for trial this time.

# Memory cache entry life time specified in seconds.
# 0 means infinite life time. 0 by default.
memqcache_expire = 5

Reload pgpool after changing the parameter's value.

$ {installed_dir}/bin/pgpool reload


Confirm that you can get the result of a SELECT from cache.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   query result fetched from cache. statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

Wait in 5 seconds...

Execute the same SELECT, and the SELECT is executed exactly.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

White list and black list

Cache the result of some tables only


If you want to cache the result of only some tabeles, specify the tables by "white_memqcache_table_list".

You can use regular expression (to which added automatically ^ and $).

white_memqcache_table_list = '.*_cache_ok'
                                   # Comma separated list of table names to memcache
                                   # that don't write to database
                                   # Regexp are accepted

Reload pgpool after changing the parameter's value.

$ {installed_dir}/bin/pgpool reload


Create a table not to cache.

$ psql -p 9999 test
test=> CREATE TABLE table_cache_ng (a INT);

test=> INSERT INTO table_cache_ng VALUES (1), (2), (3);

Confirm if the SELECT FROM a table in white_memqcache_table_list is cached.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'test'

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   query result fetched from cache. statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

Confirm if the SELECT FROM a table NOT in white_memqcache_table_list is NOT cached.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ng WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ng WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

Not cache the result of some tables


If you don't want to cache the result of some tabeles, specify the tables by "black_memqcache_table_list".

You can use regular expression (to which added automatically ^ and $).

black_memqcache_table_list = '.*_cache_ng'
                                   # Comma separated list of table names not to memcache
                                   # that don't write to database
                                   # Regexp are accepted

Reload pgpool after changing the parameter's value.

$ {installed_dir}/bin/pgpool reload


Confirm if the SELECT FROM a table in black_memqcache_table_list is NOT cached.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ng WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ng WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

Confirm if the SELECT FROM a table NOT in black_memqcache_table_list is cached.

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 11203 statement: SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'test'

test=> SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   query result fetched from cache. statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

What else?

Too big results

The size of each SELECT result is limited by "memqcache_maxcache".

# Maximum SELECT result size in bytes.
# Must be smaller than memqcache_cache_block_size. Defaults to 400KB.
memqcache_maxcache = 409600

If a result is bigger than memqcache_maxcache, the log message tells us that. This is an example when memqcache_maxcache is set 1024 byte and SELECTed table is bigger than 10 MB.

LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 17749 statement: SELECT * FROM pgbench_accounts ;
LOG:   pool_add_temp_query_cache: data size exceeds memqcache_maxcache.
                                  current:983 requested:110 memq_maxcache:1024

Specify each query not to cache

If white list and black list are not enough for you, put the text "/* NO QUERY CACHE */" at the head of the queries.

LOG:   statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   query result fetched from cache. statement: SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

LOG:   statement: /* NO QUERY CACHE */ SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 18070 statement: /* NO QUERY CACHE */ SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   statement: /* NO QUERY CACHE */ SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;
LOG:   DB node id: 0 backend pid: 18070 statement: /* NO QUERY CACHE */ SELECT * FROM table_cache_ok WHERE a = 1;

This way requires to change your program of course.